Jim Davies's blog

100 years

One century ago today, Gavrilo Princip shot a duke. The world has never been the same since. There is quite a good short account of that day at firstworldwar.com/bio/princip.htm
Princip did not cause the war. The governments of Europe did that, with their ridiculous treaties for mutually assured destruction. But Princip provided a trigger, and has been called an "Anarchist", and the above account corrects that. He was a member of a Serbian Nationalist movement.



More than most, libertarians need to be exact in our use of language. Today's Zero Government Blog suggests that name itself is commonly used too loosely, and coins a new word to make the point. Enjoy!


Is libertarianism the same as libertinism? Today's Zero Government Blog shows why not. Enjoy, and spread.

Schiff Petitions Supreme Court


It makes no difference in principle, whether any tax has or has not been "legalized" by the thieves. We know that.
Nonetheless, Boobus Americanus supposes that if the thief has sprinkled a tax with the holy water of a law compelling its collection, it's not really theft any longer so it's okay to fork over the loot demanded. Therefore if someone shows a purported tax law is not in fact a tax law at all - that it's a pretended law, a deception - said Boobus gets annoyed. His confidence in government is further eroded.
Such is the case with the Income Tax, and nobody has done more to expose the fact than Irwin Schiff, incarcerated since 2005 to keep him quiet.
This month, after appealing all over the map ever since and having exhausted all other avenues, is appealing to SCOTUS. It's a masterly composition, surprisingly concise. He has asked that copies be made as widely available as possible (yes, to Boobus) and there's one loaded today to TinyURL.com/k3u3guc
Go enjoy it; and please, disseminate.

Block's Book Reviewed

Walter Block is a fine economist and prolific writer, and my favorite remains his Defending the Undefendable. But last month he came out with a new one: Toward a Libertarian Society.
Today I reviewed it in the Zero Government Blog. It's pretty good, but doesn't match the title.

Tax Resistance

Refusal to pay government's taxes is a promising way to end its existence (although I favor one that is more effective and less hazardous.) But Gary North, that widely-honored supposed anarcho-capitalist, recently scorned that method and demeaned (as "witch doctors") those who commend it.
Today's Zero Government Blog presents a rebuttal. Enjoy!

The Vortex of War

Today's Zero Government Blog suggests a reason why waging war is so popular among People In Government Service (PIGS.)

GDP: A False Measure

The US economy may be shrinking, say Establishment economists.
Is it? How can we know? Government lies pollute everything. Today's Zero Government Blog explains.

How to Stop Wars

As my personal tribute to the brave invaders - and defenders - of D-Day, 70 years ago, today I launched a new web page: How to Stop Wars. If you like it, spread its URL around.

The First Ten, R.I.P.


Quite often, I've read revelations that government is flouting peoples' constitutional rights in some way(s), but usually the take-away is that therefore it needs to be replaced, by one that will stick to the limits authorized.
Today's Zero Government Blog briefly shows that all the first ten amendments are being routinely ignored, and concludes that therefore government should be abolished, as beyond hope of reform. I hope it therefore provides a useful resource when conversing with friends who still believe in the myth of limited government.

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