Jim Davies's blog

The Feminist Contradiction


Today's ZGBlog tells the tale of how a bright, attractive 18-year-old girl begins her career at Harvard.
It doesn't end well.

Immigration to a Free Society

Curiously, there are even Libertarians confused about this; so today's Zero Government Blog attempts to clarify what will happen to the flow of humans over government borders when the latter have disappeared.
Hint: the market will work. This subject identifies those who do, and do not, really trust it.

The Smoking Tape


Today's ZGBlog shows how the recording made last week soon after MH 17 crashed proves conclusively who brought it down.

Do You Know the Way to...


Freedom?  If not, you have plenty of company.
Today's Zero Government Blog suggests Working Backwards; that is, clarify the destination and then figure out what  needs to happen to get there from here. Enjoy.

Panarchy is for Losers


It's a great pity that Strike the Root should have published Paul Bonneau's poisonous panegyric to panarchy earlier this week. Today's Zero Government Blog offers an antidote.  

As a reminder for those who enjoy the ZGBlog, the latest issue can always be reached via TinyURL.com/ZGBlog, and the archive can be seen by clicking on the "RECENT" icon. Two dozen have appeared since I reactivated it in mid-April and there are about 280 older ones as shown there. There is also a search facility, which reveals ZGBlogs that contain the specified character string.

Free-Market Invention

One of the reasons human wellbeing will accelerate so powerfully in the coming zero government society is that innovation will no longer be hamstrung by government.
That's the theme of today's ZGBlog. Enjoy!

Paul's Plan


Nobody is doing more than Ron Paul, to improve our current society and reduce government to the role the founders planned for it.
But that role is not by any means a zero government society, indeed it's the one that evolved into the present mess. Today's ZGBlog contrasts what appears to be his plan for liberty, to what is actually needed.

Can't Improve on the NAP

It's not unusual, alas, for people in the "libertarian quadrant" to fail to do their homework and get key ideas clear in their minds. But after having done that, it's very rare indeed for someone to quit. Those ideas are so well founded, it's impossible to forget or deny them.
But there's an exception to every rule, and today's Zero Government Blog is written for one: Message to an Ex-Left-Lib. Enjoy.

NH Suspends Vanity Plates

I don't know whether David Montenegro of Dover, NH is a Porcupine, but if not he should be given an honorary membership. In May, he won a Supreme Court case against the DMV that had refused to issue him a car vanity plate bearing the message COPSLIE. Also declined were GOVTLAZ and GOVTSUX. Courts have, of course, repeatedly indemnified cops who blatantly lie.
So now, according to the Valley News, the DMV won't issue any at all, for GOVTSUX is as true as it gets. Embarassed by publication of the way it is, apparently government in these parts will hide the truth.
Vanity plates cost $40. I can think of a few bumper-stickers that would do the job for a lot less.

A Century of Slaughter

Idiots ought not to have control of lethal weapons. In the case of individuals there is often insuperable difficulty in identifying in advance who is the idiot needing to be disarmed; in the case of governments there is no such dilemma. Today's Zero Government Blog relates the malignant stupidity of governments a century ago, this current year, and in several of the years in between.

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