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  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Seeing Into the Future. And seeing the present from there. A short prequel: Libertopia - Larken Rose 10-22-11 And apparently it is defacto happening in Russia. Who would have guessed....
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    I am actually a political atheist (apolitical) and freedom producer not a fighter. There is nothing to fight. Only light will provide the way. Natural laws are objective and compulsory. The tacit assumption that they do not apply to human relationships led men to believe men must have a central system of Statutory Laws to fill the gap and maintain social order. (The principle behind a Statutory Law written a priori cannot be made to fit all circumstances. Its application is unobjective and misses value structure objectivity of profit and loss calculations). ~ Paraphrased from Linda and Morris Tannehill Man's nature to avoid unpleasant things gives him a natural incentive to not associate with anyone who harms him. This gives everyone a natural disincentive to harm others (if they wish to be a functional member of society- if not then let them run to the forest for all I care). If a natural social structure wherein no one is compelled to associate with anyone else, only those who treat each other ethically will gain access to all the benefits that society has to offer. If an offender wishes to regain his good standing in society, he will have a natural incentive to make restitution for his crimes. Otherwise, he faces social ostracism and a significantly lower quality of life or possible starvation. No enforcement is necessary, this is natural to man's tendency to only contract and associate with individuals he trusts. Paraphrased from Vahram G. Diehl. *And this happened here on this journal thread without interference by moral busy bodies and the nanny state*. That is already the world I live in and the one I have set up. I am UNinterested in the rat race matrix or politics. I trade in the division of labor society (now remnant).
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Meanwhile in America and England and Japan (not Argentina) even a person with a normally calibrated moral compass (a non-sociopath) often *cannot see through clouds of propaganda that have been spewed over police officers and politicians and soldiers*. The answer is, quite simply, that the defense of people’s lives and property is a job just like any other, and it ought to be provided on the free market just like every other good and service by people who are held to exactly the same moral standards as the rest of the civilized world. The uneasiness that the *normal person* feels when confronted with the existence of a group of fat blue-polyester-clad thugs who are not bound by normal moral standards is completely understandable and justified. There is no need for these thugs at all, and there is definitely no justification for exempting them from the moral standards we hold every other person to! --The provision of bread and chairs and computers does not require exempting anyone from moral standards, or empowering them to beat people up and order them around. All that is required is to open the door to competition, and people fall over backwards trying to please customers in their quest to make money. The same is just as true of defense services, which can and ought to be opened to competition between private providers so that consumers of these services can choose what kinds of defense services they want to purchase. In that case, the providers of the services can be held to exactly the same moral standards as everyone else. Their sole purpose would be to protect their customers’ lives and property – not to enforce arbitrary and unjust rules written by rich politicians on unwilling strangers. See: The Horrific Life of the Police Officer
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Supporting that context: In Russia, as elsewhere, the role of the police “is to control situations and to control the people rather than help them,” observes Leonid Kosals, a professor of economics at Moscow’s National Research University. As a result, people “turn to their neighbors and to relatives and local networks to solve their problems by themselves…. [I]n Russia we have thousands of such cases.”
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Hi Sam, Apparently many Russians did come forth: ...“We must give our citizens a chance at survival,” Torshin told the Interfax news agency, insisting that widespread private gun ownership doesn’t lead to “a surge in killings,” but rather “the reduction in street crimes and the murder rate.” What makes Torshin’s stance all the more remarkable is the fact that roughly half a year earlier he had expressed support for banning private possession of “non-lethal” handguns. It’s possible that this dramatic volte-face was the product of a sincere conversion. It’s likelier that Mr. Torshin knew which way the winds of *public outrage* are blowing, and aligned his sails accordingly. In any case, Torshin’s proposal is tangible evidence of a growing -- and thoroughly commendable -- Russian contempt for the very institution of government... During the past decade, the crime rate in the United States has declined, terrorism has been all but nonexistent – and the country has been transformed into a fair approximation of a high-security prison, complete with full-spectrum surveillance of the population and undisguised militarization of “local” police departments. At the same time, the political elite in charge of the former Soviet Union is addressing a legitimate crime crisis by drawing down the police force and recognizing (however tentatively) the right of citizens to armed self-defense. For all of its problems, Russia clearly is no longer the land of Lenin. For all of our advantages, it’s just as clear that the United States of America is no longer the Land of the Free. ... Sunday, September 18, 2011 Abolish the Police, Arm the Citizens: The "Sagra Model" of Privatized Security PS There are more gems in this article (I only touched on a few)... PPS I use this site's threads to post on other sites (info in different order and different excerpts but similar contexts to refute anti-freedom posts). Cheers!
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Here is a gem: "The trend toward privatization of security in Russia is likely to grow as a result of President Medvedev’s recent initiative to reform the country’s militia – *that is, its police force* – by purging about 200,000 officers from the ranks. Sociologist Mikhail Vinogradov, who estimates that *one-third* of Russia’s police force is *composed of alcoholics and psychopaths*, points out that in 1991, the militia was reduced by about thirty percent – and the result was a **sharp reduction in the crime rate**". (Again holding context: It’s possible that this dramatic volte-face was the product of a sincere conversion. It’s likelier that President Medvedev knew which way the winds of *public outrage* are blowing, and aligned his sails accordingly).
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    ...Private security is already a greater bulwark against violent and property crime than many people realize. As of 1997, according to the Economist (as cited by Robert Higgs): There are three times as many private policemen as public ones.... Americans also spend a lot more on private security (about $90 billion a year) than they do, through tax dollars, on the public police ($40 billion). Even the government itself spends more hiring private guards than it does paying for police forces. For a decade and a half, we have had three times as many private guards as public ones, yet it is an oddity indeed to hear about their abuses, unlike those of the police that make the papers every day – and that’s just counting reported offenses. It should be no wonder. As market actors, private security guards are generally heroic defenders of property, commerce and life, and are liable for the wrong they do, unlike the state’s armed agents, who work for an institution of monopoly, theft, kidnapping, rape rooms and murder. Can we really survive without government police? When we consider how much they do to disrupt civil society, it would seem obvious that we can. The police, on balance, are a force for decivilization and disorder. They commit massive violations of person and property. They enforce gun and drug laws that basically create organized crime and breed gang activity. Most of what they do encourages, rather than diminishes, violence. Despite all this, America remains a fairly civilized place. If we survived this long with the police, just imagine how much better off we’d be without them. May 26, 2011 Abolish the Police by Anthony Gregory
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    "...It is also worth noting that much of the success of organized crime in our present society is due to alliances which crime bosses are able to make with govt officials in nearly all levels...." As the Tannehill's outlined (and we all know -- I'm preachin' to the choir again), there could be no such thing as "organized crime" without privileges imbued and contributed by a central state apparatus. It would be interesting to speculate how crime itself would virtually disappear in a totally free society after all central states were to have collapsed and dissipated. Will I see that in my remaining 30 or so years? Come forth, Jim Davies. Prohibition of products and services demanded by consenting persons is what brings about "organized crime". As a matter of practical fact you can define "government" as "organized crime" and be done with it. Sam
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    It is also worth noting that much of the success of organized crime in our present society is due to alliances which crime bosses are able to make with govt officials in nearly all levels. From the $50 payoff to the local cop to the $10,000 contribution to a senator’s campaign fund organized crime regularly protects itself by buying off govt opposition. In a laissez-faire society aggressors would not only be scattered but weak and unorganized they would find it next to impossible to buy off free market protection and arbitration agencies. Customers of a defense company don’t have to keep patronizing it if they find out its employees have been accepting payoffs from aggressors.. They are free to do what citizens can never do–find some other agency to protect them. A free market agency could not afford to have under- world connections even with the small and unimportant underworld of a free market…When the news media revealed its shady dealings its customers would desert it… Furthermore customers of a free market defense company are not imbued with a citizen’s patriotic fervor and obedience and thus are much harder to lure into foolish collectivist endeavors (such as national unity). Free men don’t leap like fools and sheep to defend a flag or sacrifice themselves for the cause of politicians. These are some of the ways a free market system differs fundamentally and completely form a govt system of any sort… Warring Defense Agencies and Organized Crime p111, 114 p115 The Market for Liberty Linda and Morris Tannehill
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Warring Defense Agencies and Organized Crime The Market for Liberty Linda and Morris Tannehill The whole book deals with difference between govt and free market justice. In fact a would be tyrant’s customers–in a free market–would be an obstacle to him. He could not extract taxes from them, as govt does, he could not even force them to buy his service at all. A market relationship is a free relationship. If a customer does not like a company’s service–(including defensive), or mistrusts its goals, he is free to take his business elsewhere or to start his own competitive service or to do without the service altogether and provide his own. There is a difference between coercive monopolies (govt driven by initiating force and ratcheting fear and power) and free market monopolies (profit motive, supply demand, attracting customers).
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Statists are often afraid of what some individuals will do if not restrained by govt. What they should fear is what those individuals will do if they become govt. The amount of damage which one hostile, malicious authority figure can do by himself is nothing compared to what one hostile, malicious authority figure can do by way of *obedient but otherwise good people*. If evil was committed only by evil people the world would be a far better place than it is today–with basically good people constantly committing evil acts because a perceived authority told them to. Here the statist does not trust his neighbors (others). But trusts them to have the power of a State to do the same things he seeks protection from. Ouch! If a man must inherently be governed by an authority that initiates force, who will govern those who govern? Perhaps the statist thinks he and others–his neighbors that he does not trust–govern his masters? Hopeless.
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Here are some of the ways a free market system differs fundamentally and completely from a govt system of any sort.. Govt employees are legally protected from suffering personal consequences as a result of all but the most blatant acts of the aggressive acts which they perpetrate “in the line of duty”. Such functionaries as police officials, judges and revenue agents can initiate force with immunity by taking protection under such cliches as “I don’t write The Law; I just enforce it” or “that’s a matter for a jury to decide” or “this statute was passed by duly elected reps of the people”. But employees of a free market defense company would have no such legal immunity from retaliatory force; they would have to assume responsibility for their actions… Personal conscience plays a huge role in justified defensive force absent the belief and immunity of “just doing my job” authoritarian protection rackets… Without a belief in govt, communities would almost certainly develop rules which at first glance would resemble what are now called “laws’. But there would be a fundamental difference. It is still legitimate to write and publish for all to see statements about consequences of doing certain things. Here is one: instead of *We* hereby make the following illegal, the “warnings would fit into this template ” *I* believe that if you do this, I have the right to respond in this way” The point is not that people will automatically think and behave properly if there are no rulers, but that such malicious tendencies in human beings would be LESS dangerous and destructive without the blind belief in just doing my job obeying authority to legitimize them. Left to their own device people will not try to forcibly impose upon others but avoid violent conflicts. If there is a govt to coercively inflict their values on others they will gladly beg it to do so with no shame…. If every person who made a threat and attempted to enforce the rule had to take personal responsibility and assume the risk himself very few people would be willing to threaten their neighbors. See Larken Rose expand on this and more in his book The Most Dangerous Superstition. An introduction to Larken Rose - Free Your Mind Conference 2011
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Anointed people who must have the authority to murder you for not wearing your seat belt. That is pretty psychotic. Whether it is legal or not means absolutely nothing it is just terms and a trick thieves use to try to get its victims to put up with it. Libertopia 2011 Bill Buppert tete' a tete' w/Larken Rose
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    The Latest Science of Nature Versus Nurture Research on the effects of environment and genetics on personality, brought to you by Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio. Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web - At 10 and 15 minutes and 20 minute marks the podcast addresses: How the mind is actually re-wired to be addicted to being extremely abusive--including torture/beatings/murder and political power--and as roughly as addictive as cocaine. One of the reasons why people seek to get it--that stimulation and continue to expand it. Attempts to act out and feel normal by raising and flooding the brain with dopamine (exhibiting behavior because they don't have the words to describe it and the ability (learned) to comfort, self-regulate and self-sooth stress and anxiety). The flooding of dopamine causes lack of empathy, stupid behavior, poor judgement and poor risk assessment. All the things seen by those attracted to political power and fearful of so-called chaos... Yep I would say law enforcers, soldiers and politicians have indeed not internalized the caring parent alter ego.. At 37:09 in the podcast The Fascist High: But too much power and hence too much dopamine-can disrupt normal cognition and emotion, leading to gross errors of judgment and imperviousness to risk, not to mention huge egocentricity and lack of empathy for others. Power corrupts. Not just spiritually. It is a physical thing with the flooding of dopamine (that comes from too much political power).. Most importantly this podcast gives some insights and understanding to the limits of changing minds as it pertains to deeply held beliefs, stress, low dopamine, low endorphins, and flooding of the brains with testosterone and dopamine... .
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Regarding: Lew Rockwell to Ron Paul Delegates: Consider Skipping the Convention 279. What To Expect at the GOP Convention in Tampa [Tasering if wearing a Ron Paul button...]
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Westernerd
    (Ended up with a double-post while agonizing with "edit" and "embeds" -- sorry) Sam
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Westernerd
    The article is by our old friend and champion Lew Rockwell word-slinger, Gary North. Gary provides a cardinal economic explanation of why a ten buck item can end up at 17,000 frn's (phony bucks) in the absence of a free marketplace and with privilege granted by vultures of state. That's the nature of all monopoly government. Only an unencumbered marketplace can determine the value of a drip pan. That's simple but sound economics. Purchases by agents of state have no correlation to sound economics. Bids are for show only. As Dr North sums it: "...Drip, drip, drip: the solvency of the United States government drips away...." But your use of the term "..government religion.." best describes the quandary: "...Might rattle the cages of a few believers in the government religion..." A number of years ago -- I think it was when I was still in recovery from acute and chronic conservatism -- a great but short-lived rumble occurred in public media over the discovery of an eight buck hammer billed to a government contract for 105.00 or some such inflated figure. How many "cages were rattled"? Some, I'm sure (mine for one), but seemingly (according to us over-avid libertarians) not nearly enough. I try to preach going easy on religionists and Pauliens and Tea Partiers so as not to scare them off before their miracle (they log into STR) takes place. Because "logic" won't phase most of those folks -- it takes a miracle. You had an excellent piece on this a couple months ago. There are lots and lots of "...believers in the government religion..." out there. I strongly suggest anybody who hasn't read (or those who have, reread) Delmar England's "Insanity as the Social Norm" essay. I agree with England that many come to libertarianism with lots of governmentalist detritus and fallacies that need to be shed before graduating to anarchy. But back to religion that is government, take a look at this weekend's political holiday sustained by warmongers of state. How many war reenactments to bolster the serfs' warring mentality will be played out over the land in the next few days? In particular you will see it performed in the picturesque villages that are built around huge churches of this denomination or that. The entire population (or so it will seem) will turn out to watch a platoon of old duffers who've donned moth-eaten wartime costumes so they can march to cemeteries in bittersweet memorial to victims ("our-fallen-heroes") of the violence of politicians. My arms and shoulders still ache from the memory of carrying those old vicious M-1 rifles (they said it was 9.5 pounds stripped, but I'll bet it was 30 or so pounds after a 20 mile march to bivouac with a full 8 round clip. They gain, ya know). After a long and arduous prayer by the local padre, the "troops", in formation, will shoot a bunch of blanks, some kid with a trumpet hiding behind a tree will try to emulate bugle "taps", and they'll all march back home again. None will know why they fought wars in the first place. Unless we tell them. Gently. Sam
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link mhstahl
    Yeah, but Ken: "we" must never forget the importance of winning "our" drug war. Sam
  • KenK's picture
    KenK 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link mhstahl
    Given all the "business opportunities" a reasonably sharp-minded person could find working the border I am inclined to think that only nativist fanatics and utter dullards would be able to restrain themselves from making some money.
  • Paul's picture
    Paul 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Westernerd
    Even $2500 for a drip pan is nuts. I bought a steel drip pan at a local auto parts shop for under $10. And it's not even really needed. Who cares if there are a few drips of oil on the concrete. I'm glad the story got out. Might rattle the cages of a few believers in the government religion...
  • Douglas Herman's picture
    Douglas Herman 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    Hi Glen, This is probably one of the best columns I've seen addressing this human tragedy. Unfortunately NATO--the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, a wholly bankrupt, resource poor, fiat rich cabal, can only focus on Iran. The modern Capones meeting in Chicago can only focus on imaginative ways to spread MORE radiation there in the Middle East. Unfortunately we ALL live downwind. The novel/ film "On The Beach" comes to mind. Hats off to you again, Glen. Doug
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Recognizing the Amazing Ron Posted on May 22, 2012 by Lew Rockwell
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    May 21, 2012 U.S. Military Defeated in Vietnam Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on May 21, 2012 11:37 AM Sociologist Bill Gibson was recorded in 1987 talking about his book on the Vietnam War (The Perfect War: Techno-War in Vietnam). In this video on YouTube, he touches on many interesting aspects of the war, like the myths and delusions of the U.S. military, its leaders and those of the American people. I watched all 10 parts, which is unusual for me. In Part 10, he accurately foretold that, since the delusions had not yet been shattered, the U.S. would again make wars it could not win. These delusions that are a contributing factor to causing folly after folly are culturally rooted and historically-conditioned. There are reasons why Americans over-estimate the importance of technical gadgets of war, look upon other governments as inferior, look upon other peoples as inferior, do not understand foreign systems, separate the world into good guys (Americans) and bad guys (whoever doesn't agree with Americans), refuse to face realities, think that wars can be run like production lines, focus on body counts, kills and statistics, view systems that are different as threats, and on and on.
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    May 23, 2012 What ‘Supporting Our Troops’ Gets You Posted by Becky Akers on May 23, 2012 09:14 AM
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    May 23, 2012 The 'Demon'-Haunted Mind of a Law Enforcer Posted by William Grigg on May 23, 2012 11:16 AM
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Indeed...Very interesting. Simple chart compares Articles of Confederation and the Constitution...
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    May 22, 2012 Never Forget: The Police Always Make Things Worse Posted by William Grigg on May 22, 2012 01:26 PM
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    What is the difference between Potassium Iodate (KIO3) and Potassium Iodide (KI)? Both Potassium Iodate tablets (KI03) & Potassium Iodide tablets (KI) are THYROID BLOCKERS. They will both do the same job for adult users. However, there are some subtle but important differences: According to chemical manufacturers of the base chemicals of Potassium Iodate tablets (KI03) and Potassium Iodide tablets (KI): KIO3 has a health risk of "1" (slight) KI has a health risk of "2" (moderate) (Either of these are preferred over Radioactive Iodine from Nuclear Fallout.) KIO3 is not bitter, which means that children can take KIO3 with less difficulty than KI. This is extremely important: If children are the most susceptible to the harmful effects of Radioactive Iodine, then the possibility of children not able to take the pills or tablets or keep them down is dangerous. For this reason, we ask those of you who have children to purchase KIO3 instead of KI.
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    Potassium iodate is far superior. Your kids will throw up the iodide. STR site has a spam filter that is stopping me from posting links...
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    # 11A081 Thorium by Jim Davies, 3/23/2011 "US physicists in the late 1940s explored thorium fuel for power. It has a higher neutron yield than uranium, a better fission rating, longer fuel cycles, and does not require the extra cost of isotope separation. The plans were shelved because thorium does not produce plutonium for bombs."
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    References from # Joseph Mercola, DO, on why there's a war on healthy raw milk.
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    References from # There's No Way To Contain the Radiation Mac Slavo on government lies, corporate cover-ups and the potential evacuation of 10 million people.
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    # Now, as radiation fallout envelops the entire northern hemisphere, there is a distinct possibility that the crisis will move into an *even more critical and dangerous phase*. The radiation has absolutely reached the shores of North America. Water samples from across the continent have tested positive for unsafe levels of radioactivity. The levels exceeded federal drinking water thresholds, known as maximum contaminant levels, or MCL, by as much as 181 times.”This means that the complete ecosystem of the Pacific Ocean is now poisoned with radiation and we aren’t being warned. Samples of milk taken across the United States have shown radiation at levels 2000 percent higher than EPA maximums. The reason that milk is so significant is that it it representative of the entire food supply. Not to mention: The Everyday Drink That Contains Blood, Pus, and Drugs Conventional milk. Joseph Mercola, DO, on why there's a war on healthy raw milk. Yes I stopped drinking the stuff. And yesterday I switched to catfish from the South no more Northern hemisphere salmon...Drinking water from new zealand. And I keep away from products with: Synthetic Alpha Tocopherol Shown to Increase Prostate Cancer Risk.
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    The New American Order: Using Weapons of Compliance To Stamp Out Protest by John W. Whitehead
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Correction: "The Milgram experiment IS being played [out by agents of the state] using mobile torturing devices (tasers) and exercising the divine right of kings".
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 50 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    'There was a time when those in positions of legal authority were literally regarded as beings of an inherently superior order, entitled to a special status exempt from ordinary moral rules. That doctrine was known as the divine right of kings. Nowadays we profess to have given up that doctrine; the Declaration of Independence boldly declares that “all men are created equal.” But *we* [too many] are still all too quick to treat the bearers of official power as a breed apart'. Excerpted from an article from Roderick Long in the search link above. The Milgram experiment IS being played by agents using mobile torturing devices (tasers) and exercising the divine right of kings. 'For those familiar with Stanley Milgram’s psychological experiments, which I often reference, you may recall that Dr. Milgram found that the one thing most likely to make someone refuse to obey a nasty command from a perceived “authority” is the person seeing someone ELSE refusing to obey. For whatever strange psychological reason, hardly anyone wants to be the FIRST to disobey “authority,” but many don’t mind being the SECOND to do so. (After that, lots of otherwise obedient people seem perfectly willing to rebel against a malevolent “authority.”) I think the reason is that there is huge mental inertia against even the POSSIBILITY of disobeying ever occurring to most people. But once that barrier is broken, by someone suggesting that disobedience could even be an option, suddenly a lot of people are able to at least consider it'. Excerpted from The Evils of Collectivism (We-ism) The problem with misplaced power is not in the chain of command; it is in The Chain of Obedience. Rand sets out to demonstrate through the novel’s action what happens when governments follow socialist ideas. She argues that when men are compelled, through collectivism’s forced moral code, to place the needs of their neighbors above their own rational self-interest, the result is chaos and evil. Incentive is destroyed, and corruption becomes inevitable. The story of the Twentieth Century Motor Company illustrates this brilliantly. After the plant adopted a method in which workers were paid according to perceived needs and ordered to work based on perceived ability, the workers became depraved and immoral, each seeking to show himself or herself as most needy and least skilled. The plant failed, and the community was destroyed by mistrust and greed. For Rand, any economic or political plan based on sacrifice of the individual for the group leads to chaos and destruction.
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 50 weeks ago Page Glen Allport
    Good essay, Glen. I'm convinced it's the kind of thing many of us should be dwelling upon instead of the constant rehashing of how egregious "The-State" is. I've placed an order for a year's supply of curcumin and thank you for introducing it (guess I missed Serenity's article). I use quotes because "The-State" is reification -- it does not exist. Only predators and parasites claiming to represent "The State" exist. And if you're not yet convinced of the evil the entire concept of The State is, Albert Jay Nock made an excellent case almost 80 years ago. It seems that those hyenas called "state" feel duty-bound to create higher and higher hurdles to freedom while urging the shapeless masses to chant slogans to freedom. Then they proceed to engage in suicidal dockets that could get us and our progeny all killed if the spin-off from the likes of Ron Paul don't bring those fools claiming to be "state" down first. I never diss the Paulians, because I got here from being a Goldwaterite in 1964 -- the last time I registered with the white man and "voted". You can run, but you can't hide. I'm not sure (as you alluded) a major move to a different hemisphere is going to spare many. But the links you provided, as well as SHTF (don't have the link handy) and others are good starts. Meanwhile, be sovereign, stay free (quietly), live fast, love hard and die young might be a decent option. Sam
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    ...The heart of Castle Rock v. Gonzales is a police v. the people dispute. Do the police exist to protect you? --The clear answer is no. From the 1856 US Supreme Court ruling on South v. Maryland through to Castle Rock, the courts have ruled that "there is no Constitutional right to be protected by the state against being murdered by criminals or madmen" (Bowers v. DeVito, 1982). --At one time, a significant portion of what is now America was protected by private policemen who were paid by — and, so, responsible to — the community where they served. The Western sheriffs did protect people and property; they did rescue schoolmarms and punish cattle rustlers. Their mission was to keep the peace by preventing violence.--Modern policemen still bask in the glow of that legacy even as they betray it by taking state salaries and institutionalizing an indifference for the person and property of those they purport to serve. --The modern policeman is, in fact, the antithesis of Marshal Dillon and an expression of the stereotypical British sheriff — a civil servant responsible ONLY to government and governmental policy. ---There is an extreme disconnect between the public and the police when it comes to preventing violence. The public cries, "That's your job!" The police reply, "Tell it to the judge." *And American judges have consistently ruled that the police have no obligation to protect you*. ---I wonder where that disconnect could come from? (SARC-INT). And who would spread such self-serving frauds and cheats? I shrug dear reader. Perhaps in part those that repeat (spread) discredited memes under the tyranny of good intentions and feel good do-goodism in opposition to the facts. --"And, so, to the woman who says, "My husband [and or friend] is a good man!" and words to that effect I must reluctantly answer, *"It does not matter."* [emphasis added] ---It's Not Personal; It's Institutional---Mises Daily: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 by Wendy McElroy "Thoreau wrote, Now, what are they? Men at all? or small movable forts and magazines, at the service of some unscrupulous man in power?… The mass of men serve the State thus, not as men mainly, but as machines, with their bodies.…In most cases there is no free exercise whatever of the judgment or of the moral sense; but they put themselves on a level with wood and earth and stones; and wooden men (sociopath behavior) can perhaps be manufactured that will serve the purpose as well... --*Many consider service to "their country" to be an automatic virtue*, but it is a dehumanizing vice whenever it involves the abandonment of conscience. The military demands this abandonment. And few activities can be as dehumanizing as patrolling foreign streets in the role of an occupying force".... Grappling with the Banality of Evil Mises Daily: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 by Wendy McElroy
  • sscharliem's picture
    sscharliem 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    I like to point out to people that the Constitution gives Congress the power of taxation - but it doesn't say how much. They can tax you all they want according to the Constitution. I let the limited Gov't types chew on that.
  • AtlasAikido's picture
    AtlasAikido 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Excellent identification Persona non grata: Ultimately it is about seeing the unseen and making it seen. What is at the root of the issue? How is it possible that a mobile torture device called a Taser can be used to torture people in the open? Thanks to Stefan Molyneux for bringing up the idea that the so-called "Black Bloc" ARE Not what they pretend to be and the history of such state instigated provocatuers and how that plays into people believing the Big Lie that people NEED statism and pain compliance (torture) to avoid so called chaos... True News: The 'Violence' of the G20 Protests References The State Will Always Self-Justify Posted by Darian Worden More here: The Comforting Lie
  • Persona non grata's picture
    Persona non grata 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Pain compliance is torture.
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Melinda L. Secor
    The new law would give sweeping powers to the State Department and Pentagon to push television, radio, newspaper, and social media onto the U.S. public. “It removes the protection for Americans,” says a Pentagon official who is concerned about the law. “It removes oversight from the people who want to put out this information. There are no checks and balances. No one knows if the information is accurate, partially accurate, or entirely false.” Horrors! Wouldn't want them "protections" from the media we've been giving 'em all these years removed, now would we -- checks and balances and all? (heh heh heh) Want 'em to keep believin' all that information is accurate. Yes sir ree, bob! Talk about a dominant social theme. Anybody wonder why I've not owned a television or allowed one in my house for over 35 years? Sam
  • Suverans2's picture
    Suverans2 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Guest
    "Commenting about JPMorgan’s loss, President Obama stumbled onto the truth — but didn’t realize it — when he said that, since the taxpayers[1] could be on the hook for large bank mistakes, vigilant regulation is needed. But why are the taxpayers on the hook?" Because they are the ones who voluntarily[2], or ignorantly, remain the chattel[3] property [human resources] of the state. ______________________________________________________________ [1] Taxpayer. One who is subject to a tax on income, regardless of whether he or she pays the tax. I.R.C. § 7701(a)(14) ~ Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition (c.1991), page 1462 Natural persons[a] are subject to the law of nature, i.e. the natural laws of the human world, not the INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. [a] NATURAL PERSONS. Such as are formed by nature, as distinguished from artificial persons, or corporations, formed by human laws for purposes of society and government. Wharton. ~ A Dictionary of the Law (Black’s 1st c. 1891), pg. 802 [2] It is only involuntary when one is not aware that he, or she, can lawfully withdraw from membership in the herd. [3] chattel n. 1. Law An article of movable personal property. 2. A slave. ~ The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, copyright ©2000
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Emerson13
    Then along comes Ron Paul with a lament to "...return to sound money..." (in the hands of state predators, of course). At least Dr Paul prescribes "free market money" -- having no law banning each or any of us to print "money" as long as the free market will accept it. Fat chance of that getting through congressional type barriers to free marketing. Sam
  • Suverans2's picture
    Suverans2 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Good word, Sam, reification (1846) "it is the error of treating as a concrete thing something which is not concrete, but merely an idea".
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Emerson13
    Nobody wants to blame predators of state or fiat "money". It's that evil free market that's to blame. Yes, sir ree bob! FBI to the rescue! Shades of wolves coming to rescue of sheep. And the people cheer! Sam
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    As you may have suspected, Suverans2, I purposely paraphrased the late Harry Browne's quotation. Here's the reason: a year or so back I began to study into Delmar England's declaration that insanity IS the social norm. England is hard to read. He writes with a heavy, hard to comprehend hand; and I find myself having to go back and reread sentences and paragraphs and definitions. But after thinking through his themes I came to realize why many people -- even those espousing "libertarianism" -- can never completely cast off the chains of governmentalism. One of England's central themes has to do with reification. If folks can be encouraged to think of "the government" as a living, breathing entity it matters not if they whine and complain, "she" is still "our country" (and whatever "our" leaders say or do must inevitably be for our own good). I always try to avoid usages such as "..the state wants servile obedience..." Not. The state is individuals who do violence at the behest of the servile obedience of those who claim "citizenship" thereto. Sociopathic individuals claiming to represent "The State" want servile obedience. "The government" is good at nothing. Predators who claim "a-mandate-of-the-people" are good at doing harm to "their citizens". Freedom, I think, is in a large part getting my definitions straight so I can think free (or freely for the correctists). Sam
  • Samarami's picture
    Samarami 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    Your assessment and the young lady's sign tell the whole story. Freedom's in your head. But don't take that too lightly: life's in your head. Physiologically you're made up of probably less than a couple dozen of the hundred and some odd elements that have been identified and cataloged; but your life is what you see, hear and feel. That's why I bristle when a "libertarian" sets out to diss the religious beliefs of somebody else. If you're free that means if you want to blow a reefer you'll blow a reefer. You'll understand and take certain precautions because there are parasitic and predator narcs lurking about to trip you up. You'll see those narcs as criminals. You'll intuitively perceive that they're worse than non-government criminals because they don't KNOW they're criminals. Not only that but neither do the unfree hordes who make up the better part of your neighbors and friends and family up and down the street. That makes narcs triply egregious. But a big part of freedom's challenge is solving the problem of side-stepping the most unstable of the gangsters -- those who wear the costumes of state and have badges and are armed and dangerous. And those who support them. That challenge is what made me a sovereign state. Sam
  • Suverans2's picture
    Suverans2 11 years 51 weeks ago
    David vs. Goliath
    Web link Emerson13
    "What was going through the minds of these armed and ready riot police as this toddler stared them down?" Это одно должно быть достаточно легко убить ... если мы сохраним наш ум о нас. (Translate it here)
  • Suverans2's picture
    Suverans2 11 years 51 weeks ago Web link Serenity
    It looks like someone else agrees with that assessment. See here.