Scientists Break the Speed of Light


Evan's picture

Paradigm shift?

Samarami's picture

CERNagents of 20 different European "states". But since agents of states have NO "money" with which to finance these escapades, guess who gets robbed? Right. Persons residing in 20 European "states".

As a government ("public" ha ha) educator eons ago -- before libertarianism crept up and bit me in the arse -- I always wondered why I was expected to ooohhh and aaahhh over some "exciting discovery" that erupted from these governmentalist waste-making entities that appeared to be worship centers for the religion of state funded "science".

Then I became an anarchist.

Now I know.


Samarami's picture

Suverans2 has been "training" me to use HTML. I flubbed the link to CERN on the above post:
