Military vs People

A good way to find out what's happening in Country A is to read newspapers published in Country B. In recent months Russia Today ( has been a good source of info about the US and allies, and last week there appeared a shocker about the UK's military.
Read it at - the Ministry of Defence corresponds to the US Pentagon, and of course the two governments are joined at the hip.
It reveals an MoD paper about how to make the “public more willing to support future wars.”
Instead of responding to public demand for defense action, the military establishment is actually interested in persuading its public to support more wars – presumably, to increase the prestige and budget of the Ministry. And presumably, the interest comes from those who will wage them from behind a desk.
Oops, Minister!


Emmett Harris's picture

"A good way to find out what's happening in Country A is to read newspapers published in Country B."
So true.  The Fourth Estate within a country is often merely a (lap)dog run.