Don Stacy's blog

Isn't It Ironic: Government Surveillance Version


NSA surveillance is ridiculed in this ReasonTV video.

Steve Horwitz: The Lego Movie Review


This video addresses the burning libertarian issue of 2014: Is the recent Lego movie libertarian or not?

Steve Horwitz: The Lego Movie Review


This video addresses the burning libertarian issue of 2014: Is the recent Lego movie libertarian or not?

Ares Armor CEO Tries to Reason with ATF over Customer Privacy; Raid Ensues

The American Police State strikes again, as documented in this ReasonTV video.

Common Property, Common Power

In this c4ssvideos video, intellectual property is attacked from a left-libertarian perspective.

Facebook Representative Denies Political Censorship

A representative claims Facebook does not engage in political censorship in this AdamKokesh video.

How to Keep 30 People From Dying Everyday

In this ReasonTV video, bioethicist Sigrid Fry-Revere discusses the idea of compensated organ "donation" as a way to deal with the U.S. kidney shortage.

"Which Side Are You On?"

The war of the politically-connected against Appalachian Mountains residents is the topic of this c4ssvideos video.

Sheldon Richman: Liberty Against the Warfare State

In this video libertarian Sheldon Richman decries war.

The Gumbo Recipe that Works for Everybody

Professor Dan D'Amico explores New Orleans gumbo and spontaneous order in this Learn Liberty video.

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