Jim Davies's blog

Help Give the FedGov a Bloody Nose


            Do you know a lawyer?
            Does he or she like money?
            Does he have a spine?

If you have three "yes" answers to those, bring today's ZGBlog to his attention. You'll help lower popular esteem for government, and might even earn a finder's fee.

Untwisting History

It's very sad that when they emerge from the 12-year government indoctrination factory, graduates have a massive misunderstanding of the past. They think the 1861-65 war was "civil" or that its purpose was to "end slavery." It was neither. They think Lincoln freed the slaves; he never freed a single slave.
The appalling ignorance extends to Europe too. If they know anything about that continent, they've been told that recent wars were caused by "German militarism" and so that Germans are untrustworthy. Today's Zero Government Blog attempts to correct that misinformation. Pass it round, to your kids and theirs.

A Nation of Landowners


It's sometimes said that America is just that. Sturdy, independent ones.
Ha!  Isn't now, and never was. Will be, though, after E-Day. Take a look at America's Owner.

Guns Ownership: Over-rated?


The rate of gun ownership in the US has been high since the get-go, but that hasn't prevented the monstrous, relentless growth of government. What purpose, therefore, do guns serve?
Today's ZGBlog explores that question, in To Arm, or Not to Arm?

EOs from the WH


The difference is minor, but theory has it that we live under a democratic republic rather than a dictatorship. In Executive Disorder, today's Zero Government Blog explores the question.


Archists often bleat that with neither God nor Government to constrain man's evil instincts, society would dissolve in mayhem.
Today's Zero Government Blog shows, in Dostoyevsky's Lament, why it's just not so. Enjoy!

A Libertarian in the White House?

Improbable, but in any case not for long.
The current furore in the Nation's Capital is as nothing at all, compared to the resistance that would be encountered by a victorious LP candidate. See why in today's ZGBlog, President Browne.

Mass Murder


In his movie "Unforgiven", Clint Eastwood says that to kill a person is to "take away everything a man has, and everything he is ever going to have." It is the worst thing anyone can do, the ultimate violation of someone's right to live his own life.
Somehow, I got the impression that that 1994 Rwanda genocide consisted of masses of ordinary people deciding spontaneously to slay their neighbors of a slightly different race.
Today's Zero Government Blog, subtitled Slaughters, shows who was really responsible.



Can there be such a thing as too much tolerance?

Well, not many of us would tolerate someone raping our wife or strangling our children, so the answer has to be "yes." Today's ZGBlog is titled "Living and Letting Live" and suggests the line should be drawn a great deal closer than that.

Free Trade

The new President threatens an import tax on Mexican goods, so interfering with free trade. He may see a real problem, but is picking the wrong fix - as today's ZGBlog details, in Protectionism.

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